Art & Artists

Workin’ On The Railroad

In this day when you think you’ve seen everything and experience has jaded your reasoning, it is a jolt to discover something truly unique which takes your breath away.

Traders Of The Lost Arts

Elke was a flight attendant from Paris. Richard was an engineer from California.

Giving It His Best Shot

It’s a long way from the small, plastic Kodak Brownie with no film that he acquired as a 6-year-old to the incredible collection of world-famous cameras he owns today, but Larry Wapnick wouldn’t trade that journey for anything.

Boxed In: The Art of Assemblage

Her art form is called assemblage – a cross between sculpture and collage that involves more cutting and fitting than the traditional skills of molding and carving.

The Excellent Adventures of Rita Bernstein

Rita Bernstein is a lot of things, a regular tossed salad of visual artist, educator, singer, storyteller, actress, dollmaker, icon painter, art collector, aromatherapist, chef and caterer.

Carlos Perez Vidal, Past and Present

Cuban artist Carlos Pérez Vidal is a recent arrival in Vero Beach.

Candace MacMillian’s Candy Colored World

Sapphires. Rubies. Black spinels. Diamonds. Emeralds. With a rainbow-hued palette of gemstones and gold – lots of high-karat, luscious gold – one Vero Beach woman has made her dream of designing fine jewelry a reality.

Pictures of the Year

From December 5, 2009, through January 3, 2010, the public enjoyed the opportunity to view the Indian River Photo Club’s annual print exhibit at the Vero Beach Museum of Art.

Art With an Italian Accent

Italian-born Ivo David is an artist for whom the mantle of “maestro” is neither heavy nor constrictive; indeed, the term clings to him as gracefully as a hand-tailored Armani suit. And why shouldn’t it? The term was made to order for Ivo, paid by him over a lifetime of experience with the cold, hard currency of work.

The Young At Art

Just one month after its official opening, Vero Beach’s Youth Transition Center, which provides a home for young people ages 18-23 who have “aged out” of the foster-care system, held its first major event.

A Fellowes’ Imperfect Past

British actor and writer Julian Fellowes arrived at the pinnacle of his life’s work in 2002 when he won the Best Original Screenplay Oscar for Gosford Park.

“Time For The Next One”

"Love and and love, that’s all there is,” said Sigmund Freud. But how many of us can combine those seemingly divergent realms of meaning and state that we love our work?

Summer Sojourn to a 400th-Year Fiesta

The fiesta has already started, but you’ve got an open invitation so don’t worry about being late.

With Sharp Knife in Hand

Wanted: Good-humored men and women from all walks of life who like to work with their hands.

Paintings From A Life

His paintings are as mesmerizing as the sea itself. Composed of thousands of crescent-shaped wedges of oil paint, Francis Mesaros’s canvases contemplate the eternal theme of sea and sky.

Ron Van Sweringen: The Father Of Astroism

“I don’t understand this. I can’t tell you what this is,” Ron Van Sweringen is saying about his abstract paintings. He pronounces his words with the soft vowels of a Southern aristocrat, the emphasis of an old-time revivalist and the rapid delivery of a man with no time to spare. The work in question is a composition of tangled strands and splotches of color that seems to float in the inky blackness of outer space.

Big Dreams and Little Teapots

Potter and graphic designer Sean Clinton is reticent to talk about himself. He’s not shy, exactly; the tall, 44 year old exudes a boyish enthusiasm when talking about art and life.

Nancy Blair’s Glass Menagerie

Nancy Blair is a woman with a history – a herstory, that is. A frank feminist, the 50-something is a sculptor in ceramics, glass and mixed media; an author with five published books to her credit; an educator who teaches ceramics at the Vero Beach Museum of Art and hot-cast glass at Pilchuck Glass School in Washington state; a scholar whose specialty is the goddess-centered religions of pre-history and a business owner who started and operated both a successful restaurant and an art reproduction company.

From The Canvas To The Vase

They make it seem so easy – the “they” being Lee LaPointe and Ann Webber, who can look at a work of art and begin to envision one or more floral arrangements with similar colors, line and form.

Charles Caito In Black And White

“It’s a race against time,” Charles Caito says. “You struggle to find film – they keep threatening to discontinue silver film and they’ve discontinued my favorite paper.




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