Playing It Cool

Optimizing outdoor space is a great way to add square footage to your home this fall

November in Florida invites us outside to enjoy comfortable seating, colorful plants, and, on most days, cooler weather. Photo courtesy of iStock
November in Florida invites us outside to enjoy comfortable seating, colorful plants, and, on most days, cooler weather. Photo courtesy of iStock

Is it too soon to say I miss the heat? Alright, I will wait until next month to really complain. In the interim, I will work on my outdoor living space. This is the perfect time of year for open-air seating. Last year, for two weekends in November, I had visitors. My small home was bursting at the seams. Though I truly loved the people filling it up, a bit more elbow room would have been appreciated. Even if you have enough indoor space, here are a few recommendations for creating a versatile and inviting space that extends your living area into nature.

Letting my budget guide me, I will concentrate most of my effort on the back deck. Maybe you have a lanai or some other outdoor structure that can be more inviting. Start by thinking about how you want to use the space. Focus on comfort and accessibility. Imagine yourself and others using the area. What else could encourage you to use this spot? Add it all up, be realistic, and then plan to get it done.

My back deck will be used for sitting. Whether I am entertaining or alone, I want comfortable seats. I have two cozy loungers with plush cushions, but my deck can easily hold four more, and I will add a few new throw pillows for good measure. My favorite seat will have the pot with rosemary and chrysanthemums next to it. Ruthie’s seat will have a purple pot with mint, pentas, and snapdragons. A good outdoor rug will tie it all together. If we keep the walkways clear, I am sure we can get away with it.

Stokes’ aster, top, and the variegated leaves of the coleus plant add gorgeous perennial colors to the fall garden. Photo courtesy of iStock
Stokes’ aster, top, and the variegated leaves of the coleus plant add gorgeous perennial colors to the fall garden. Photo courtesy of iStock

Accessibility will be the only major thing I need to address. There are currently two avenues for entry to the deck. The north-facing opening will have to be widened and turned into a ramp. I will also make sure the plants in that location are changed. I will replace them with a combination of lower-growing, compact perennials: Stokes’ aster, blanketflower, and coleus.

They have the same needs and do not require a lot of care. They will not overtake the walkway and interfere with anyone trying to access the deck.

The finishing touches will include a new cloth canopy, a few strings of decorative lights, and some outdoor speakers. When I am done, it will be the perfect spot for coffee, brunch, or dinner, for time alone or time with birds, tortoises, and friends. Though the angle of my favorite chair will have to be tweaked, I know it will still be one of the most alluring locations at my home.

The new deck box is going to be put to good use. It will hold throw pillows, giant Jenga pieces, and TV tray tables. These are the sweetest days—each one ephemeral and precious. Enjoy the weather, nature, and November. I will be curled up on my cozy chair under a few blankets with warm sweet-potato pie smothered in whipped cream, watching the birds settle in for another cool Florida night.

Nickie Munroe is an environmental horticulture agent with the University of Florida’s IFAS Indian River County Extension.

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