Where the Horses Outnumber the Houses


Whoever penned the words “you can't go home again” didn't know Dolf Kahle. Born to the saddle, the rhythm of horse hooves and low “whinnies” were sounds he grew up with. He eagerly learned from his parents, George and Sandy, who taught all of their children to ride when toddler legs were barely long enough to straddle a horse. His was a childhood spent exploring wandering trails; the wide open spaces west of Vero Beach were  his playground, nature his constant companion. He left, but never forgot.

College, a law degree, Chicago, Dade County, real estate development, marriage, two children, all occupied the years between until he finally came full circle – home to the sights and sounds he remembered so well.

Today Dolf is back in the saddle, only this time the polo field is his choice of playground. The wide-open spaces had waited, welcoming his return.

Read the entire article in the March 2001 issue

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