It's that time of year when high season is becoming low as the temperature and humidity are moving in the other direction. And, once again, those of us who are year-rounders much concentrate on the positive aspects of summer in Florida. Like going to any restaurant on the spur of the moment, sans reservations, and being seated immediately. Not to mention the prix fixe menus! Being able to make it across town in half the time and finding a parking sport without going around the block even once.
One of the most pleasurable summer experiences is taking a barefoot, ambling stroll along our beautiful beach about seven o'clock in the evening. The heat of the day has waned. There is usually a light breeze. The sun is setting, casting an orange/pink glow on the surface of the water and that gently, lapping surf is refreshingly cool on our feet.
But this wouldn't be a garden article if we didn't focus on another wonderful summer enjoyment – flowers. Though we are fortunate to have flowers all year long here in Florida, the summer, like most other places in the world, is when nature schedules her real floral display.
Read the entire article in the Summer 2001 issue
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