In this situation, Viburnum awabuki was chosen by one neighbor and oleander by the next-door neighbor. The end result is a tiered hedge.
Don’t hedge me in. Good hedges make good neighbors. Straddling the hedge. O.K., O.K. I know the word is fence and, in fact, that is one way that hedges may be used. More formally, this use of bushes in rows is referred to as screening or providing a sense of enclosure.
Undesirable views may be screened from sight with proper placement of a hedge. The view may be your own, such as that of an aesthetically undesirable neighbor’s yard, or the view may be someone else’s from whom you screen your air-conditioning unit or pool equipment.
A sense of enclosure can be created around an entire house or just around a small patio or meditation garden. The height of such a hedge will govern the amount of privacy provided. A property can be subdivided into smaller spaces using hedges. This is seen to the extreme in the old parterre gardens of Italy and France. Knot gardens with their whimsical shapes are created using smaller scale hedges.
Read the entire article in the September 2002 issue
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